Abigail's Hotel

Abigail's Hotel

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IN CASE OF FIRE Chances are that you will never be involved in a hotel fire but please take a few minutes to read this page as it will prepare you in the event that such an emergency should arise.

UPON ARRIVAL Before entering your room, look around and establish the fire exit routes which you would take in the event of a fire. Also, please locate and confirm the position of the fire alarm and extinguisher on your floor. We have one fire alarm near the main stairwell on each floor. We also have one extinguisher per floor. Additionally. Our Main House has three stairwell exits and our Coach House has two stairwells.


1. Pull the nearest fire alarm

2. If possible, close all doors around the fire area in order to keep the fire from spreading

3. Telephone Guest Services to report the fire by pressing “0” on your phone

4. Use a fire extinguisher to fight small fires only, AVOID LARGE FIRES at all costs

5. If at all possible, exit the building you are in as soon as possible using a stairwell

IF YOU HEAR AN ALARM A continuous bell signifies for you to evacuate your room immediately. Take your room key with you, as you will need it to gain access later after the “all clear” has been given. With your hand, test the door to the hallway to see if it is hot or cool. Inch the door open if it is cool. Close the door quickly if there is smoke in the hall. If the hallway is clear of smoke and fire, head for the nearest exit. If the hallway is smoky or dark, lower yourself to the ground and hug the walls as you make for the exit. Keep as low to the floor as possible. Check the exit door for heat prior to opening. If the stairwell is safe then exit down to the street level. 


IF YOUR EXIT IS BLOCKED Go back to your room. Should your stairwell start to fill with thick smoke and your exit turns out to be unsafe, return to your room. Telephone Guest Services (“0”) and advise them of your location and situation.

IF YOU CAN’T LEAVE YOUR ROOM Stay there. If you cannot exit, it is the safest place to be. Stuff wet towels under the door to stop the smoke from seeping in. Remove all drapes from the windows, fill your bathtub and keep plenty of water in the tub and have ice buckets and wastebaskets nearby for carrying water. Signal your presence by hanging a wet bed sheet out of your window, this will inform the Fire Department your room is occupied. Stay calm, do not hurry.